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It would seem that the problem is mostly present in females, but no, men also face the same problem.

Doctors call it "delay in ejaculation", and the causes can be divided into physiological and psychological.

Physiological causes include:

- General health issues - for example, state of fatigue or alcohol intoxication. When you are strongly tired or very drunk - you simply cannot focus on sensations to finish (alcohol completely cuts off the conductivity of nervous impulses, so it is sometimes better not to sexual intercourse start in such a state). Many antidepressants and antipsychotics act in the same way.

- Decrease in sensitivity from masturbation. Just like clitoris, penis gets used to a certain force of exposure, and then it does not become enough for it. In such cases, it is not necessary to completely restrain from pleasure - just go from manual masturbation to special masturbators.

- Diseases - the possibility of having such needs to be excluded with the urologist.

- The anatomical structure of the vagina and penis - if the vagina is wide and not elastic (for example, after childbirth), and the penis is thin, it lacks the force from frictions.

The most common psychological reasons are:

- Anxious states and stress - if the guy has anxiety in his head, it blocks everything to him, no matter how sexy and beautiful his lover is. Orgasm requires attention and involvement! 

- Fears and complexes. For example, many men are so afraid to end ahead of time and not satisfy the girl that they begin to intentionally imagine something unexpected and even unpleasant to distract attention.

Here is a fact that might increase men’s self-esteem. For girls’ self-esteem there is nothing worse than a man who did not even finish after a long time having sex with her. 

Premature ejaculation will even show the young lady how sexy she is. Contrary to long frictions that will not lead to orgasm, and the walls of the vagina will be grazed to painful feeling. So it’s better to finish earlier, and then make the lady orgasm with your tongue, hands or toys. Everyone would be a winner in such a situation.

Let’s imagine that a physically healthy guy without depression and special stress encountered a delay in ejaculation.

Firstly, exclude grease if it is used, or replace it with another (more lubricant-less friction). If the girl stands out a lot of her own, first bring it to orgasm, and then proceed to frictions.

Secondly, choose such poses in which the most sensitive zones of the penis are stimulated. 

For example, missionary pose, but with leaning the male pelvis forward; girl lying on the stomach, guy on top of her.

Thirdly, use special lubricants, which include substances that enhance blood flow (for example, arginine). 

Apply them to the head 5-10 minutes before the start of frictions.

Try using:


Clitoris drops for increased pleasure!
The clitoris is the most erogenous and sensitive part of the vagina. These drops are put on the clitoris to make it feel warm and offer a vibrating effect (vibration scale 6/10). They can increase arousal and the pleasurable sensation too. It can also be used with condoms.

Fourthly, ask the girl to begin to train the long-capital muscle to increase the elasticity of the vagina. When the girl masters the control of these muscles, she will be able to compress them when you are ready to finish - then the friction force will be increased multiply.